Gosil Exports


Gosil Exports Pvt. Ltd. is a RJC (Responsible Jewellery Council) & SMETA ( Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit )certified company & is fully compliant with global requirements such as “Social, Security and other specific technical requirements


Metal Recycling

What goes around, surely comes back around. To maintain this harmony between the exhaustion and restoration of natural resources, we are actively engaged in recycling raw materials such as gold and silver.

Paper Consumption

All our printing and communication materials, are made of FSC certified paper. We promote paper less meetings and want to become a paperless company by 2021. Our printers are set for double-sided printing by default.

Energy Consumption

At Gosil LED lights are installed throughout the Factory. LED lights use about 50 percent less electricity than traditional incandescent, fluorescent and halogen options, resulting in substantial energy cost savings.

We are environmentally

As an environmentally conscious team, our office is dedicated to sustainable practices.



We understand the challenges involved in offering precious metals, gemstones and diamonds to the masses, responsibly. Therefore, we take all the preliminary steps to ensure that our designs from India are created and manufactured in compliance with all ethical standards.


Gosil is committed to providing all its services in the most socially responsible way – such that we remain environmentally conscious and aware of fair trade throughout our conduct. From recycled metals to ethically sourced gemstones, we take measures at every step to maintain our legitimacy. By taking all the necessary steps to enforce corporate social responsibilities in the jewelry manufacturing industry, we wish to set a positive example in the country and beyond.


Our people are an essential part of our success. Taking care of our employees, and celebrating every success with them, is of the highest importance. We value and encourage diversity and gender equality within and are committed to providing an environment supportive of empowerment and equality of opportunity for all of our employees.


At Gosil, we believe that we owe it to our mother Nature to not exploit her resources. The jewelry manufacturing industry can exhaust certain natural resources in abundance. But with active environmentally cognizant efforts at Gosil jewelry manufacturing plants, we do our bit to save the natural resources. These attempts make us the leading ethical jewelry manufacturer in the country.

  • Water discharge policy
    The water discharge at Gosil Exports complies with Indian Environmental Water Regulations. With water consumption of fewer than 10000 liters per day, we treat and neutralize the effluent prior to the discharge.
  • Air emissions policy
    Gosil Exports complies with Indian Environmental Air Act Law Regulations. The level of air emission from DG sets and the released noise are maintained within the permissible limit at all times.
  • Hazardous material storage policy
    Some hazardous chemicals are used in the electroplating process and so, we take additional care to store these chemicals. For hazard-free accessibility, we have installed a secondary storage device in the work area.